Saturday, June 13, 2009

Guess Who's Back?! Back Again....

Hello my dear friends!

I know, I have been so MIA it's ridiculous, but I swear I have great reasons.

I took about 2 months off from blogging. My life just became a little too busy to fit blogging in. In the past 2 months I have moved, dealt with the hassle of moving into a house with a slumlord (as in I was locked out numerous times, had my water shut off, kitchen removed), a bit of boy trouble (very sad), working full-time, working and studying for police test and just life in general.
But while I was gone, I turned 22 (May 12), and graduated university (June 11). So all in all the summer so far has been good.

So everything else is still pretty much the same. I am working full-time as security, playing ball hockey, ice hockey, and soccer. I also just joined a yoga studio! OMG love it so far, I really need to increase my upper body strength and this has really been kicking my butt (or should I say arms).

Also, I booked my police test (end of July) and have started studying, I am super nervous, but excited.
And lastly, I just inherited a new kitten. He was abandoned in a park, 8 weeks old, with no one around. So I took him in, could not say no to the fury little face and send him to a shelter! I have had him now for about two weeks! He really is the devil. Always wants to play, sooo energetic. My other cat, as previously noted on the blog, Princess, has not quite take a liking to him yet. Hopefully they will become good friends. I think I am going to name him Leo, was going to go with Lucifer, because I seriously think he's a devil child (jokes)!
So, that's my brief catch-up on the two months ish.

So I have been trying to enjoy the summer as much as possible when one works 40 + hrs a week. I have been running, rollerblading, and soaking up the sun at the beach as much as possible, but the weather has just not been co-operating! It's been such a rainy summer......
I haven't eaten anything especially noteworthy in the last two months that I can recall, but I do have a few recipes I am anxious to try over the next few weeks.
My sister, who also goes to the same University I went to is coming to visit. I am living in her student house for the summer. So I am very excited for this visit, 4 full days of doing whatever us sisters want! I foresee, beach, hikes, bar, and shopping! Oh so indulgent!!
Today I am working all day! 0600-1600hrs. Bit of a long day, since I didn't get off work until midnight last night, blech. Ah well I will nap as SOON as I get home tonight, because tonight I will need all the energy I have possible for a bachelorette party!!!! WOO!!!! Can't wait.
Anyways, I will leave you all with that. Hopefully you all can forgive me, and my absence and I promise pictures of cute kittens, and bachelorette fun, and many other randomness adventures in life and food and fitness to come.